CERN — The European Laboratory for Particle Physics


Specifications for posters and talks

Oral presentations

All presentations will have to be supplied as either Power Point or PDF files. The computers available in the conference rooms will be running Microsoft Windows.

Presentations must be made available before the start of the conference: instructions to upload the slides to a dedicated server will be sent to all presenters.

Please respect the time allocated for your talk and prepare your slides accordingly.

Poster guidelines

Posters can be put on display from 12:00 Monday, February 10 to 16:00 Friday, February 14.

  • The poster must not exceed size A0 portrait (maximum height 120 cm, maximum width 85 cm).
  • The top-centre of the poster should display the title, author(s) with their institutions and one contact email address.
  • All text information should be of font 24 or larger.
  • The poster must NOT be a commercial/product sales poster. Any poster that is deemed to be a commercial advertisement will be removed from the conference as unaccaptable. The judgement of the Scientific Committee will be final.
  • Poster presenters may not use audio-visual equipment, but are welcome to bring along handouts associated with their presentation.
  • Pushpins will be provided, and are the only method for attaching the posters to the board.